Whereas the Village of Lansdowne is designated as a settlement area in the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands’ Official Plan and, as such, all residential and commercial development within the boundaries of the Village must be provided access to municipal water and wastewater services;
And Whereas in order to accommodate planned and future growth in the Village, an upgrade to the municipal water storage and distribution system is required to increase water storage for resident needs and improve water pressure for firefighting;
And Whereas the required upgrades to the municipal water storage and distribution system are estimated to cost $4,501,605;
And Whereas a significant portion of the roads, sidewalks, stormwater infrastructure and sanitary system within the Village are in need of repair and improvement (known as the “Lansdowne Urbanization Project”);
And Whereas the estimated cost of the work required for the Lansdowne Urbanization Project is estimated at $14,875,000;
And Whereas without financial assistance from federal and/or provincial governments or other entities, the Township will be unable to undertake the projects;
And Whereas through the 2025 municipal budget process, Council has indicated its support for both projects on condition that the Township secures appropriate grant funding;
Be It Resolved That:
- Council approval of the 2025 Capital Budget as proposed by staff does not constitute approval for staff to proceed with either the upgrade to the municipal water storage and distribution system or Lansdowne Urbanization Project; and
- Staff are directed to report to Council on the success or failure of any grant applications authorized by Council in respect of both projects and provide proposed options in respect of the applicable project for Council’s consideration.